Outdated Gems Under Rails The Second
27 Feb 2009Last year I shared a short initialiser fragment for rails that warns you if you’ve loaded an out of date gem.
It’s a non fatal warning, just a reminder that it might be worthwhile upgrading.
I still use the fragment, but have updated it to support rails 2.2+. To use it, just drop the code into a file in the config/initializers directory of your app.
# *************************************
# A handy initiliser that logs when the loaded version of
# Rails or a gem dependency is out of date. The notice is
# non-fatal (often we want it to be out of date). I often
# forget which version of a gem my apps are using, and
# don't notice when there is a newer version available.
# Only really makes sense on Rails >= 2.1, where initialisers
# and gem dependencies first appeared. Drop this file in
# config/initializers/
# James Healy
# 2nd Feb 2009
# *************************************
outdated = []
# *************************************
# check the current version of Rails to see if it's the latest
# *************************************
max_rails_gem = Gem.cache.find_name('rails').map(&:version).map(&:version).max
if max_rails_gem && (Rails::VERSION::STRING < max_rails_gem)
outdated << {:name => "rails", :loaded => Rails::VERSION::STRING, :max => max_rails_gem}
# *************************************
# check the current version of all required gems to see if they're the latest
# *************************************
Rails.configuration.gems.each do |gem|
name = gem.name
if Rails::VERSION::STRING >= "2.2.0"
loaded_version = gem.specification.version.to_s
loaded_version = gem.version.to_s
max_gem_version = Gem.cache.find_name(name).map(&:version).map(&:version).max
if max_gem_version && (loaded_version < max_gem_version)
outdated << {:name => name, :loaded => loaded_version, :max => max_gem_version}
# *************************************
# print notices
# *************************************
unless outdated.empty?
logger.info "*******************************"
outdated.each do |w|
logger.info "NOTICE: #{w[:name]} version #{w[:loaded]} is not the most recent version of #{w[:name]} available on the system (#{w[:max]})"
logger.info "*******************************"