Type Checking a Ruby Gem with Sorbet

I’m writing less ruby than I used too so I haven’t had much chance to try out sorbet, the type checker built by Stripe.

My experience with type checking in golang has made me curious though, and the similar-but-not-sorbet type checking experiments in ruby 3.0 and 3.1 suggest type checking might be part of the ruby landscape going forward.

Experimenting on a large codebase at work is tricky though, so to see how it works I’ve been playing in pdf-reader - a ruby gem I mantain. It’s modestly sized, has no databases or complex state to manage, and has no collaborators I need to coordinate with.

The Result

pdf-reader 2.7.0 ships with some type annotations in the gem. They’re in an rbi file within the gem rather than inline, and users of pdf-reader who also use sorbet will find much of their use of the PDF::Reader namespace will be type checked.

Here’s an example that incorrectly uses a string argument instead of an integer:

# typed: true

require 'pdf/reader'

PDF::Reader.open("somefile.pdf") do |pdf|
  puts pdf.page("1").text

And a sorbet type check will flag this file like so:

$ bundle exec srb tc
./foo.rb:6: Expected Integer but found String("1") for argument num https://srb.help/7002
     6 |  puts pdf.page("1").text
  Expected Integer for argument num of method PDF::Reader#page:
    28 |    sig { params(num: Integer).returns(PDF::Reader::Page) }
  Got String("1") originating from:
     6 |  puts pdf.page("1").text
Errors: 1

How I got there

Much of the documentation for sorbet assumes types are being added to an application rather than a publicly shipped ruby gem.

In that context, the type annotations can go inline with methods like this:

class PDF::Reader
  extend T::Sig

  sig { params(num: Integer).returns(PDF::Reader::Page) }
  def page(num)

That’s no good for most ruby gems though. Extending T::Sig means the gem needs a run time dependency on sorbet, and all users of pdf-reader would suddenly gain a transitive runtime dependency on a native extension - even if they don’t want it.

For a gem I wanted the type annotations stored in rbi files, separate from the source files. This makes them more awkward to work with for development, but also means they’re an optional enhancement for users that want them.

Through trial and error, the process looked something like this. First, The basic Getting Started process from the sorbet docs:

  1. Add sorbet to the Gemfile (but not a runtime dep in the gemspec)
  2. bundle exec srb init in the project root to initialize the sorbet/ directory
  3. bundle exec srb tc. Type checking isn’t enabled yet, but this will flush out syntax and undefined constant errors
  4. Add the typed: true sigil to the top of source files that we want sorbet to type check
  5. Add a CI step that fails the build if type checking fails
  6. Commit the sorbet/ directory and updated source files to git

With the basics out of the way, I was ready to start annotating types. I ignored the docs that suggest adding these inline in the source files, and instead added them into a single file: rbi/pdf-reader.rbi that is included in my published gems.

To get started, I auto generated the rbi file and then adjusted it over time:

  1. Add parlour to the Gemfile (but not a runtime dep in the gemspec)
  2. Run bundle exec parlour a few times, tweaking the config file until I was happy with the result
  3. Run bundle exec srb tc to confirm the type annotations are working and not causing any type checking failures
  4. Start changing a few of the type annotations from T.untyped to real types (String, Numeric, etc) and re-run bundle exec srb tc to confirm no failures
  5. Commit rbi/ to git and update the gemspec to include it in the gem

Working with the type annotations in separate files to the source has been….. awkward. I’m not sure if parlour will be the right tool going forward - I’m hoping to explore alternative tooling that will make keeping the rbi file in sync a bit easier. For now though, parlour and some hand editing is where I’m at.
